

Reconnective Healing

A method that helps the body to heal with a natural process! It acts directly on the cause of your problems and returns your body back to the frequency of health and balance. 

Reconnective Healing is healing in a very different sense than what we have learned to perceive, understand, believe or accept. This healing is about an evolutionary process that originated through co-creation during the highest vibrational interaction with the Universe. It's about restructuring our DNA.

Dates for online reservations are open in the booking form, if you are interested in another date, please write to I look forward to you!

More information HERE 


  • Dates for bookings currently closed
    Dates for bookings currently closed

  • The Reconnection
    The Reconnection

    Do you want to move in your life, relationships, career or business? THE RECONNECTION process is an evolutionary process that brings harmony and reorganization to all aspects of your life! Dates for online reservations are open in the booking form, if the options do not suit you, please do not hesitate to contact me at and we will find another suitable date for you. I look forward to you!

  • RECONNECTIVE HEALING SEMINAR - Prague 11.06.-14.06.2022
    RECONNECTIVE HEALING SEMINAR - Prague 11.06.-14.06.2022

    "The O.N.E. Experience" - Level 1+2 (Online programme "Portal" + Live seminar "Catalyst") - Prague 11.06.-12.06.2022  "RCCP - The Reconnection" - Level 3 - Prague 13.06.-14.06.2022